Experience our comprehensive therapy services, provided by our team of dedicated professionals.
Rise and Thrive: Featured Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy
Fine Motor Skills
Sensory Integration
Visual-Perceptual Skills
Feeding Intervention
Social Skills
Activities of Daily Living
Physical Therapy
Gross Motor Skills
Functional Mobility
Strength and Coordination
Enhancing Developmental Milestones
Speech-Language Therapy
Articulation/Phonological Disorders
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Expressive Language
Receptive Language/Comprehension
Pragmatic Language/Peer Interactions
Rise and Thrive's Exceptional Services
Essential Service for All Ages
We provide therapy for infants from day 1 through 21 years of age. We address fine motor, gross motor, self help skills (including feeding) and speech delays. We work with families to use the best treatment approach through sensory integration, infant massage, NDT and many others.
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Enhanced Service for Optimum Care
We provide our services to children within their natural settings, encompassing their homes, educational environments and daycare facilities. In the near future, we will also offer our expertise within the confines of our clinic. Our overarching objective is to deliver care in locations that are most conducive to the needs of the children, with a preference for timely interventions whenever feasible.
Advanced Service for Progressive Growth
Unlock your true potential with our advanced therapy services that are tailored to unleash your growth. Step into a world of endless possibilities and embark on a transformative journey with us.
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Book an appointment with our friendly team
Welcome to Rise and Thrive Pediatric Therapy! We are dedicated to providing therapy services from birth to adulthood through Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy. Our mission is to help individuals reach their full potential. Before scheduling an appointment, here are some things to know:
*These are insurances that we are in network with currently. Please check with your insurance for coverage.
Aetna, United HealthCare/Optum, BCBS/Anthem, Tricare and Medicaid
We are consistently collaborating with insurance companies to establish agreements.
We can provide an itemized statement for individuals who are out of network to submit to insurance.
Services Available
Free 20 minute consultation: A consultation will ensure that you receive the specific wants and needs for your child.
Evaluations: A 60-90 minute evaluation in your home assessing the strengths and challenges for your child/family. Can include a report with recommendations.
Cost: $200 Evaluation without report; $300 Evaluation with report
Therapy Sessions: Sessions range in time from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending upon the need of your child.
Cost: $60.00/30 mins; $120/60 mins